Friday, October 4, 2013

Let's talk about Hand Writing


I love hand made things.  A loaf of bread, a knitted sweater, flowers and vegetables grown in one's own garden, a home-cooked meal... these and other hand made creations warm my heart.   You see, it's all about personal touch.  Therefore you're probably not surprised that I prefer handwriting to typing.  I view handwriting as a real art form and it saddens me that so many schools are deciding to eliminate cursive writing from their curriculum.

Creativity is enchanting, all sorts of creativity, even the most simple act of putting pen to paper in creating one's own unique and very personal script.  Handmade script is art - good art or sometimes bad art. but art nonetheless.  And, just as one artist will enjoy viewing the art of other artists, I enjoy viewing the handwriting of other writers.


Some handwriting is handsome and inspiring. Other handwriting can be a real puzzlement, very hard to read with its haphazard lines and squiggles. Still, I prefer handmade to machine made script.  Beautiful or beastly, the personal touch is always superior to that of a machine.


When I receive a handsome handwritten letter I experience a lift.  Beauty does that to me.  I'm surprised everyone doesn't want to develop a handsome handwriting because one's handwriting is a reflection of one's self.


Practice makes... no, not perfect,  Practice makes improvement.  And here's a handwriting tip if you're looking to spruce up your script.  Slow your hand down and write a little larger.  These two simple actions will do wonders for legibility and style.  Slowing down will also probably do wonders for your blood pressure.


Having a legible and pleasing handwriting is something to be proud of and using that pleasing handwriting skill to send personal messages to family, friends and business associates is a lovely practice.  Why? It's because handwritten messages show we're thinking of a person and willing to spend our precious time making something unique and original just for them. Because these personal messages are so rare they stand out in a very good way.


I always knew this, but I was delighted to see a modern technological company, Gracious Eloise, agreeing with me.  This company advertises and sells  faux personal correspondence. Crazy huh?  They will write notes for their customers in what they call realistic digital handwriting, complete with the random quirks and wobbles of real human beings.  They obviously realize there's value in personal touch, and as they say in their ad, "they'll help their customers personally connect in business utilizing the power of digital handwriting to cut through the clutter of their fast-paced lives."

Unfortunately, this digital handwriting, no matter how authentic it may look , is not really personal.  IT'S FAKE!


To write a real personal note or letter you need a real person doing the real writing, I'm sorry, but only then will that note or letter evoke a  real warm and fuzzy response.

But besides delighting others with our handwritten messages we can delight ourselves with our handwriting.  I find writing as relaxing and rejuvenating as going off to a spa. Have you ever gone to a spa?  I have and it's a real treat, quite refreshing, but I have had  lovely spa experiences while staying right at home.


Every now and then it's time for a "Spa Day".  I give myself permission to take the day off and relax at home partaking in luxurious treatments - shampoo, facial, manicure, bubble bath and healthful activities too - exercise and/or walks in nature.  And on my spa days I enjoy long and sensuous writing sessions.  I settle in a comfortable location, pull out my fountain pen and enjoy crafting slow, flowing strokes across smooth, clean paper.  As I focus on positive and beautiful thoughts, creating words to express those thoughts, my spirit soars. This physical process is soothing and sensuous and the sharing doubles my joy.

If I'm tense or rushed my handwriting suffers, but as I slow down and gracefully form my letters with care I can almost feel the tension melt away. The slow, flowing movement of my pen across the paper, along with the quiet time spent in reflection, create the effect of a mental and physical massage.  I step away from my writing time refreshed and rejuvenated.


This is because handwriting is not only physical but also physiological and psychological. David V. Barrett explains this writing process in his book Graphology. He says, "When you write you use manual skills that are learned throughout your life, but handwriting is also self expression."

It's interesting how a class of children taught the same handwriting style will all develop that style in different ways.  By early adulthood the handwriting of each class member will be unique, showing each individuals personality.  And writing can actually help us think.

How neat is all that?  Like a lock of our hair or a DNA sample, our handwriting is a bit of our unique self.  Therefore, when we send a handwritten message to someone we are truly sending a bit of our self to them.  It's personal, and it's no wonder that receiving such a message makes a person feel honored and special.


And your handwriting could teach you things about yourself too, things you did not know.  Try this:  Take a sheet of paper, 8 x 10 inches, and fill the whole page with your handwriting.  Write about anything at all - what you did today, what your hopes are for the future, what you need to do tomorrow ...


then pick up a handwriting analysis book like "Handwriting Analysis Putting it to work for you" by Andrea McNichol.  This book was consulted by the FBI, the U.S. Department of Justice, Scotland Yard, the U.S. Department of Defense, and Fortune 500 companies.

In this book you'll learn things like: People with small handwriting tend to be modest.   People whose handwriting slopes to the left may be unwilling to go out and fight the world.  People with a right slant often like to show their feelings and take an active part in life.

As you look over your handwriting while reading an analysis book you will discover things about yourself you might be very interested to learn.


So you see there's more to handwriting than meets the eye at first glance. It's art and it's a fascinating subject, just as you are a fascinating subject.  Your handwriting is you.   Think about it, then do more than think.  Get yourself a pen, some paper and ...


Hand Write


  1. Your blog is very interesting I'll have to check out the book you mentioned. I mostly print because my Dad printed when he wrote and as a child I wanted to do what he did. My handwriting isn't that good it looks more like a elementary kid's writing so I print...:):):):)got your letter and will answer soon...

  2. Interesting about your father. My handwriting analysis book gives three main reasons why people print. They think their handwriting is illegible or boring. They are to attempting to conceal their true personality or they print only certain words to emphasize them. Handwriting is such an interesting subject. .After getting a letter and enjoying its content it would be tempting to spend another hour analyzing its script.

  3. Very interesting. I wonder what the difference is between a font and Gracious Eloise? Doesn't seem like much. Also, $62 for 40 notes????

    Also, how is sending a handwritten note and the beauty and thought it signifies and time it takes, like writing it on the computer at all? It cheapens the entire thing. Instead of showing how much you care, it shows how much you don't!

  4. I know. You ask great questions. But it does show that some modern technological people realize the value of the handwritten note or they wouldn't try to copy it. You know what they say about imitation - that it's the best compliment. Gracious Eloise knows what's REALLY BEST and so do we.

  5. Postable is an interesting company that sends notes efficiently and has the ability to turn your handwriting into a font, which is not that difficult. Seems to be a fan of the younger generation. I love the ability to send greeting cards online but hate my handwriting.

  6. Tom, thanks for sharing information about the company, Postable. I'm sure many folks would be interested in such a company. But I'm wondering if you're happy with the font they made from your own handwriting since you don't like your handwriting. I can understand how much easier it is to send greetings on line than through snail mail and such greetings are certainly better than no greetings. It's great you think of others and reach out to them. So many don't. I myself just love the personal touch. Like you, I never liked my handwriting either, but with just a little experimentation it now pleases me and I love the writing process itself. I find it very soothing and relaxing - that's if I take it slow. Of course, that's just me. Everyone should do what makes them happy, but don't give up on your handwriting without giving it a chance. In any case, thanks for your comment.
