Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hang on to your old books

I love books.  I have always loved books, and over the years I have collected quite a few - I mean hundreds and hundreds.  I have book cases in each room.  There's the living room collection,


the guest room shelves,


there's a wall of books in my writing room,


and book case in a spare bedroom,


some rooms have books running along the ceiling,


some rooms have collections on tables,


the music room has a shelf system to hold old books,


and certain pieces of furniture display favorites,


of course there's the library where we added two walls of bookcases floor to ceiling,


There are books on the porch,


and there are more -   many, many more .

Did I mention I love books?

Well, I thought I'd write about one of my favorite books today, so I strolled around the house scanning my collection, and I came upon this one by David Kibbes.


Metamorphosis, written in the 80's,  contained a style system whereby the reader was told what type of clothing would suit her based on body type.  Kibbes  grouped women into the following categories:  dramatic, natural, romantic, classic and gamine,  and though his particular fashion suggestions are now out of date, his system had a lot of originality and depth to it.

Being a spiritual person myself, what I found most fascinating about Kibbes' system was how he not only considered the shape and size of a woman's body, but also her spirit.  For example, I tested as  a classic type, but because I have many romantic notions in my personality David typed me as a  "Soft" Classic and made many suggestions on how to romanticize my classic look.  I found this to be very helpful and clever on his part.  Dramatics could be soft or theatrical. Naturals could be soft or flamboyant and so on.   We must make the final decisions about our appearance, but Kibbes gets us thinking in a fun way.

The blog, Brainy Beauty Talk, is creating posts these days updating some of Kibbes fashion  ideas and adding  new original  thoughts in  regard to his system.  You might enjoy checking it out.  There's also a sample mini quiz  on line (type in: David Kibbes Metamorphosis).  It's  the kind of quiz used in the book  which determines your yin/yang balance and image identity.       You may find the test and Kibbes whole concept fun.  I did, but,  if you get all fired up and  want to find a copy of the book for yourself


And this is what I'm getting at.

Hold on to your old books.  I don't remember what I paid for Metamorphosis  some 30 years ago, but I doubt it was more than $20.  Well, Amazon now is selling a  hardcover used copy for $77.59 and if you want a new copy, you'll have to pay $176.70 for it.


So now you know why I titled this post as I did.

I think I'll leave you now and see what some of my other books are selling for these days...

Maybe I'll trade a few dozen in and take a trip to Bermuda.


  1. I really like the places you have your books...each is so inviting...without a doubt you're a book lover ! :):)

  2. Thank you Kathy. It's so nice to hear from you. I must write soon - reading, writing and then there's music. So much to do so little time.
