Friday, December 28, 2012

Take Joy

This is the day which the Lord hath made

we will rejoice and be glad in it

With these words the psalmist greeted the dawning of a day in the spirit of new adventure.  I direct a children's church choir and here they are.



 The kids and I sing these words frequently as we lead our congregation in song, but I wonder how many people really give much thought to what we're all singing.  How many reflect on what the words mean?

To reflect:  to think deeply, to consider.   My "dead friend" Lord Byron said  "A  life without reflection is a sad affair".   I so agree.  That's probably why I love letter writing and blogging so much.  Writing about ideas helps me focus on them and focusing on wise and positive ideas helps me feel somewhat wise and  definitely more positive.

So what's that psalmist trying to tell us?  I think he's saying  we should be mindful that life is amazing,  a precious gift not to be taken for granted.   We shouldn't waste the day on silly things, and the  modern world is full of silly things.  Instead we should be developing  our talents and appreciations, turning them into healthy passions and  then sharing ourselves  with others any way we can.  It's only then that I think we can  feel fully alive.

Work and worry are sturdy weeds, but joy requires cultivation.  This day and every day we should rejoice in the gift of life and take full advantage of it.  Use the day to cultivate our joy and then share the joy we cultivate.  When we give good things come back to us.

What's your purpose for living?  Mine is threefold:  to try to know God, to be of service to others and to do my work with joy.  As I work at these things on this day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

A powerful difference in living results when we approach our days, our tasks, our loved ones and acquaintances rejoicing in them, and expecting the best of them.

Take Joy

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