Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My secret Hideaway

It's Spring break in Hudson.  Many of my friends and neighbors have either hit the road or they've taken to the friendly skies in search of  escape.  Time away from all the usual things can be very refreshing indeed.  I escape to far off places now and then and enjoy myself  immensely, but it isn't always necessary to travel  far in order to escape the monotony of life.

I enjoy regular escapes simply by turning  on my imagination, packing  a bag of supplies and heading  to my secret hideaway.  Of course it won't be much of a secret if I keep telling people about it, but secrets are no fun unless they're shared - at least some secrets.

My secret hideaway also goes by another name.  It can be called the Outbuilding.   What exactly is an outbuilding?  Webster defines it as a building (such as a shed or barn etc.) belonging to but separate from a house.

My personal outbuilding is inconspicuously located in the rear of our property.  It quietly sits with its back to all, commanding little or no attention.  Most of my visitors never even notice it.

When my husband first saw this outbuilding he was quite unimpressed.  In fact, he suggested we level it.  Level it?  NO WAY!   I liked it right from the start.  It was unusual, and I've always liked  "the unusual"  in people and in buildings too.

And so since my husband wanted no part of the Outbuilding I was delighted to make this building my own!  I do share it now and then with honored guests, perhaps hosting an afternoon tea, or serving drinks there before an intimate dinner at the house.

Would you like to pop in?  I'd be happy to show it to you if you have the time.  Why?  You know.  Sharing doubles the joy!

But put on your boots for it's been snowing even though Punxsutawney Phil said we'd be having an early Spring.  Well, anyone can make a mistake, even Phil, still I'm told some locals are quite upset about the continuing snow.  There are "wanted posters" out for Phil.  Can you imagine such a thing?

[caption id="attachment_689" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2807[1] The Winter-looking herb garden[/caption]We must walk past the herb garden.  Do you see the outbuilding in the distance?  No?  Well I told you it was inconspicuous.  Keep moving past the barn.

[caption id="attachment_691" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2771[1] The Barn[/caption]

Now do you see it?  Remember it has its back to us.   It's hiding in the trees - perfect tactics for a secret hideaway, don't you think?

[caption id="attachment_695" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2772[1] The Outbuilding[/caption]Doesn't look like much, does it?  Well, let's walk around to the front.  We're almost there.

[caption id="attachment_697" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2773[1] A row of trees keep the Outbuilding hidden from the street - clever of the previous owners[/caption]Ok.  Ready or not, let me welcome you to my Outbuilding, my very own secret hideaway.

[caption id="attachment_686" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2774[1] The Outbuilding[/caption]It looks like a little play house, doesn't it?  Well, that's exactly what it is.  I come here to use my imagination, exercise my creativity, dream, read, write and  play. How and where do you play?  You do play, don't you?   I hope so, but don't just stand there in the cold.  Come on in!

[caption id="attachment_701" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2778[1] How 'bout a seat by the fire?[/caption]I was expecting you so I lit the candles and started a fire.  These things make the place feel so cozy any time of year.  Let me show you some of my things.  Of course I have my books, lots and lots of books.  I keep them on the shelves...

[caption id="attachment_703" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2783[1] A few books on The Art of Letter Writing[/caption]I keep more books hidden away in cabinets here, there, and everywhere for as I'm sure you know,  books can bring  the world to us  - interesting people and  great ideas.  My secret hideaway welcomes such visitors.

[caption id="attachment_705" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2797[1] More books[/caption]I'm delighted to have my maternal grandparent's rocker, a rocker I remember from way back when.  I can remember sitting on my Dad's lap at my grandparent's house back when I must've been in the first grade.  Ah memories! Now that rocker is mine.

[caption id="attachment_708" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2788[1] To sit and rock... and dream dreams[/caption]I also am lucky to have my grandparent's old kitchen table.  I can remember this table filled with breads and kuchens which my grandmother lovingly made to serve all of us when we came visiting every Sunday afternoon.  What ever happened to the custom of visiting?  I think we should bring it back!

[caption id="attachment_709" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2786[1] Grandma's Table[/caption]I love to write letters on this table. (This one's to you, Patricia)  I can sit here and look out the window at nature and ideas flow peacefully.

[caption id="attachment_712" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2796[1] A room with a view[/caption]Nature is always a most pleasant view whether it involves sunshine, rain or snow.  On warm days I open the two dutch doors and listen to the birds sing.

[caption id="attachment_713" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2785[1] The hideaway tea set[/caption]And of course I had to buy some special china for my Outbuilding.  This antique set serves me well along with any guests I may have.  Gee, I wish I could offer you a cup of tea right now.

[caption id="attachment_715" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2776[1] The firefplace[/caption]I was happy to see the color of the bricks used in the fireplace because they happened to blend nicely with some old oriental rugs we had from our first house.

[caption id="attachment_717" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2800[1] Our old rugs[/caption]Along with the rugs I pulled out some prints from storage, copies of primitive paintings... all the colors worked together.  The outbuilding sort of decorated itself.

[caption id="attachment_721" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2798[1] Primitives and candlelight[/caption]

                             It was fun to choose fabrics and pillows

[caption id="attachment_722" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2787[1] A sleeper sofa, should I want to spend the night[/caption]                                             select accessories,

[caption id="attachment_726" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2780[1] One can never have too much candlelight[/caption]and hang pictures in my little hideaway -  an old portrait of me with my husband,

[caption id="attachment_724" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2795[1] Bill and CarolAnn 30 years ago[/caption]and a print of Fanueil Hall Marketplace (my husband and I met in Boston and made Boston our first  home together).

[caption id="attachment_725" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2793[1] Faneuil Hall Marketplace[/caption]                                 So here we are, in my hideaway.

[caption id="attachment_729" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2789[1] Notice the long built-in bench should I invite a crowd in for a talk on The Art of Letter Writing[/caption]There are books written  suggesting  the value of having a room of one's own.  Well, a room is fine, but a building is even better.  When I escape to my secret hideaway, build a fire and turn on my imagination, there's no telling what creative ideas appear.

[caption id="attachment_731" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2794[1] What is it about a roaring fire that make a person feel all cozy?[/caption]I hope you escape from your daily routine now and then. It's not important how you do it or where you go, just that you give yourself time to be quiet and think.   Just to be quiet and think! Yes.  It could make all the difference in the world to your life.    This quiet alone time can stimulate your imagination, increase your creativity and bring you much needed peace.

Silence leads to reflection, reflection leads to appreciation and appreciation looks about for someone to thank.  As my good friend Mr. Fred Rogers used to say:  "I trust you will thank God, for it is God who inspires and informs all that is nourishing and good."

So have yourself a Spring break,  and not just one.  Take lots of little breaks  all through the year, be they near or far away, breaks to get away from it all and be alone with yourself.  Be alone in silence.  If you have a secret hideaway of your own that's great, but you don't really need one.  You just need the  alone time and the  silence.

Be good to yourself

Take time to be






Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good food and friendship is on the menu at Cafe Marcel

[caption id="attachment_637" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2460[1] Cafe Monsieur Marcel[/caption]Isn't this the cutest little restaurant?  It's situated on the Promenade in Santa Monica, California.  I discovered it while visiting my son Patrick who is in graduate school at UCLA.  One evening while Patrick and I were taking a stroll, there it was with its twinkling lights - a fairy tale-like structure, inviting us to step in and enjoy fresh flowers, candlelight, white tablecloths, and French food.  Yes!  This was my kind of place.

We dined here more than once while I was in L.A. because I liked Cafe Monsieur Marcel so very much.  It was just as delightful on a sunny afternoon for lunch.  Of course good company makes most any place delightful and I had great company,  a son I don't get to see  often enough -  and here he is.

[caption id="attachment_639" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_2600[1] This is Patrick[/caption]As I write this post on the first day of Spring in Hudson, Ohio I'm looking out my window at  snow flakes drifting down from the sky.  Punxsutawney Phil is on the wanted list in these parts for he predicted an early Spring and got all out hopes up.

[caption id="attachment_679" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_2806[1] The snowy view from my window[/caption]To think at this same moment some people are walking about in shorts and short sleeve shirts (maybe even my husband who is on a  business trip in Sarasota, Florida, but could be sneaking in a little golf about now.)

At least I have my  photographs of sunny California to keep warm memories of my recent trip fresh in my mind - not only to help me remember lovely times in charming  places, but also to share some of those moments with you.  Why share?  You know.  Sharing doubles the joy.

To sit with a favorite person, partaking in good conversation while  munching delicious food in a delightful place, well, to me this is what the good life is all about.


As I look at a photograph of our French-speaking server doing his job I can almost imagine I'm back at that cafe, and my mouth is watering as I think of the yummy dishes he could be bringing me,  if only I were still  there.

But good food was not the only thing this charming restaurant delivered to me.  It also presented me with a new pen friend.  Yes.  It's true!  I do love to meet new people, and if they're really nice I love to stay connected with them by suggesting we become pen friends.  You notice the lady and little girl  in the picture above?  Well, I'm delighted to say after asking this nice lady to take a picture of me and my son which she did, and here it is


we began to chat.  I learned that her name was Deborah and that she's a social worker.  Her little daughter had an interest in mythology and that is one topic my Patrick knows quite well so the two of them embarked in little quizzes for each other.  It was great fun.  I  asked Deborah at the conclusion of our lunch if she had any interest in corresponding, for as you may know, I am an avid letter writer, and to my great delight she said "YES"!

Some people enjoy coming home from a trip with a new piece of jewelry or some other keepsake, but I'm most thrilled to return home with a new pen friend from the place I visited.  A person can't be in more than one place at a time, but with pen friends in lots of different places a connection to those places can be maintained.  I find this very exciting.

I'll be writing Deborah soon and I'll send her a copy of my pictures, especially this picture I took of Deborah and her daughter.  So sweet!


People are very nice!  Do you reach out to strangers?  You should.  Strangers are simply great friends we haven't yet met.  I feel very lucky to be an outgoing sort of gal who enjoys people very much.  I'm happy alone with myself, but to feel best, I also need people in my life, and though I love my old friends I'm always thrilled to make new ones.

You know what they say - People who need people  are the luckiest people in the world.  I feel lucky.  How about you?

I hope you have lots of old friends in your life, but I also hope you are open to new people who can become friends even if they live far, far away thanks to the beautiful Art of Letter Writing.

I'm so excited to add Deborah and her pretty little girl  to my family of  pen friends, for as Sarah Orne Jewett wrote:



So if you find yourself in Santa Monica, California on the Promenade, I highly recommend Cafe Marcel for some good food  -and maybe you'll be lucky as I was to find a new friend there  too.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spa Day

Hello from another Country Inn Day.  Today is  Spa Day at the Inn and I'm happy to share highlights of this day with you.  Why?  You know.  It's because sharing doubles the joy.

We humans are a mixture of  the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual  ---and  each of these aspects of life  needs careful attention in order to function at its best making  life as rich as possible.  On Spa Days the focus is on the physical.

It's not just about how we look,  though I'm guessing most women feel a lot better if they look in the mirror and are pleased with what they see.  But it's also about how we feel. How we feel  is quite the physical thing.   On Spa Day I can complete a  treatment and look exactly as I looked before that treatment, but I will be feeling ever so much better.  A little pampering goes a long way, and if you believe as I do, that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within us, then hey, we need to keep that temple up.

Spa treatments can be enjoyed right at the Inn (my magical Inn, also called Home) or they can take me "off site"  to a variety of establishments offering additional   pleasures.  This Inn Day I begin with a trip to the Off Main Street Salon  as you can see from their sign.  They promise rejuvenation and that's what my physical being is after today.


I approach the salon with delicious anticipation.

IMG_2364[1]And upon entering who do I see but Pat, one of the owners, who is waiting and ready to pamper me.


"Hi Pat", I say.  "I'm ready for some physical rejuvenation.  Where shall we start?"  Pat suggests the pedicure area.  Well, ok.   And away we go!


One of Pat's helpers steps up.  After all, Pat can't do everything herself.


 I'm sorry, but I forgot to get this nice gal's name, but she sure was friendly and sweet.  Working with nice people on spa days helps the social aspect of life get a boost too.


From the pedicure area I was off for a  shampoo and a few other  hair treatments.  Doesn't it feel great to have someone else shampoo your hair now and then?  Answer:  YES!


Pat has a nice establishment, but after a few delicious hours it was time to say goodbye  till my next visit.  "Bye Pat, Keep up the good work!"  I had  a lovely morning and I did feel somewhat  rejuvenated,  but my Spa Day was not over.  No, not by a long shot.  Treatments would continue back at the Inn.


And here I am, back at my Inn  entering  the boudoir to prepare for my next luscious treat, a relaxing bubble bath.  I have a little pink rubber duckie to keep me company


Nothing like a fragrant bath.   Today the bath water  is laced with Bronnely's Pink Bouquet,  a fragrance that I first discovered on a trip to Bermuda.  Bronnely is an English company and I love their products.


I love all sorts of pretty girlie products like these tall bottles filled with  Mediterranean bath foam infused with various scents - Geranium, Camomile, Moss, and Jasmine.  The balls of bath salts  and large  fragrant bars of moisturizing soap will be enjoyed some other Spa Day.


I could stay in my personal spa hideaway for hours, and the "do not disturb" sign on the door keeps me safe from intruders.  We don't have to go far away to get away from it all.  If you're like me, all you need is a little peace and quiet - some alone time,  and  an atmosphere that is peaceful and pretty.


No, this isn't my ballerina dress.  It's a bit small for me, but to look at lovely things like this while I soak in the tub makes me feel happy.  Just to gaze at things of beauty offers its own refreshment.


But there are all sorts of nice treatments and things that offer refreshment.  To have a book like this one, simply called spa , written by Leslie Wolski, you'll get lots of spa ideas you can enjoy right at home. Here's one spa  idea, and all you need to make it happen is a sink,


a little water,  warm or cold, and a small towel.  Simply place the warm or cold compress across your eyes, lie back and dream dreams while you relax.  What an inexpensive treat.  The Inn Spa offers many of such rejuvenating experiences.


Spa Days can't promise the look of eternal youth.  Nothing really can.  Even this Fountain of Youth potion I purchased in Florida at Ponce de Leon's actual Fountain of Youth didn't make me look a day younger.    But it's not just about how young we look or how good we look.  It's also about how we feel. If we treat ourselves well, pamper ourselves,  just as we'd pamper a precious work of art (and we all are a precious work of art)  then we'll  feel great no matter how we look.

It's not just the physical, though the physical is important.  Our lives are a combination of physical, social, intellectual and spiritual experiences.  We must be attentive to all four aspects of ours lives maintaining each.  We are, after all,


That's YOU and ME

This reminds me of a song that happens to be called


The song is written by Carey Landry.

My children's choir sings this song.

Here are the lyrics:

Each and every one of us

Is a wondrous work of art

Signed by the hand of God

Some of us are masterpieces painted long ago

On some of us the paint is still wet

So many different colors, so many works of art

Yet each is the handiwork of God

Like clay in the hands of a potter

None of us is finished quite yet

Though each of us is deeply loved exactly as we are

There is always more we can become

Each of us is on a journey started long ago

A journey full of promise, a journey full of hope

We seek the way of truth and life that Jesus came to bring

Guided by the loving hand of God

Yes, Each and everyone of us

Is a wondrous work of Art

Signed by the hand of God.


So have yourself a Spa Day

You deserve it!
